Saturday, September 22, 2007

¿Vino en una lata de aluminio?

¿Podés verte tomando un vino fino de una lata? Una empresa holandesa con sede en Buenos Aires llamado IronWine, vende un Malbec-Cabernet y un Chenin Blanc en latas de 345 y 250 ml. La empresa sostiene que puede proteger el vino de la luz que puede destruir la estructura de un vino. También, el vino en general está hecho en el acero, pues tal vez no es una idea TAN loca.

Más información: IronWine

Fuente: Directo al paladar

Wine In a Can

Can anyone ever see themselves drinking wine from a can? A Buenos Aires-based company, IronWine, sells a Malbec-Cabernet blend and a Chenin Blanc wine in 345 and 250 ml aluminum cans. The company claims that the can does a superior job protecting the wine from harmful light that can harm the wine. Wine is blended in steel vats and is even aged in them, so the idea isn't THAT crazy.

More Information: IronWine

Source: "Are wine cans the future?" J.M. Hirsch. Associated Press.

Monday, September 10, 2007

Vinos y Bodegas 2007

Dan at Saltshaker has some insightful commentary and pictures from the annual wine fair held in the La Rural convention center in Buenos Aires.

Link: "Wonderland Revisited." Written by Dan Perlman. Saltshaker. September 8th, 2007.

Picture: Expo Vinos y Bodegas Cosecha 2007.